
It takes a community to succeed.

As a not-for-profit organization, we deeply value the support of community leaders. Your generous support gives us the ability to continue to support the next generation of artistic talent in Newfoundland and Labrador.

We offer a range of sponsorship levels, with exciting benefits to match each level of investment. You can choose to become a Performance Sponsor for any performance in our 2018-19 Season. It’s a great way to reach a captive and engaged audience or reward clients and employees. Some of the sponsorship opportunities we offer include, but are not limited to:

Opening Night Performance Sponsor

It includes the following:

  • Verbal thank you from RCA during the Opening Night speech.
  • Four tickets to opening night.
  • Logo featured prominently in the foyer and/or in our Cox & Palmer Second Space throughout the evening, including our Opening Night reception.
  • Your logo and a special Thank You as an insert in the program for Opening Night.
  • Web, newsletter, and social media presence as an Opening Night Performance Sponsor.
  • Tax receipt for your donation.

Performance Sponsor

It includes the following:

  • Two tickets to the night you are sponsoring.
  • Logo featured prominently in the foyer and/or in our Cox & Palmer Second Space.
  • Your logo and a special Thank You as an insert in the program for that night.
  • Web, newsletter, and social media presence as a Performance Sponsor
  • Tax receipt for your donation.

To learn more, please contact our Communications Officer at communications@lspuhall.ca.


Your generosity makes a difference.

Your support is the reason RCA is able to provide resources to artists, stage productions, and offer space at LSPU Hall at dramatically reduced rates.

Let’s keep working together to foster the next generation of artistic talent in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Call Us Today! 709-753-4531 @ EXT: 200  |  info@lspuhall.ca DONATE NOW

Send donations to:
3 Victoria Street
St. John’s, NL
A1C 3V2

Donor Categories

Centre Stage Donor: (1,000 +)

Acknowledgment on the RCA website
Recognition in all of our RCA house programs
Special Guest at any RCA fundraising
Tax-deductible receipt for your donation

Marquee Donor (500.00 +)

Acknowledgment on the RCA website
Recognition in all of our RCA house programs
Tax-deductible receipt for your donation

Supporting Role Act I: (100.00 +)

Acknowledgment on the RCA website
Recognition in all of our RCA house programs
Tax-deductible receipt for your donation

Supporting Role Act II: (50.00 +)

Acknowledgment on the RCA website
Recognition in all of our RCA house programs
Tax-deductible receipt for your donation

Our Donors

We are deeply grateful to our donors. You generosity and kindness continues to make all difference in the world.

Centre Stage Donor
Joel Thomas Hynes
Rick Mercer
Gerald Lunz
George Dalton
Susan Kent
Elinor Gill Ratcliffe C.M., O.N.L., LLD (hc)
Sandra & Mark Dobbin

Marquee Donor
David & Karen Hood
Paul & Gillian Harrington
Robert Patten
Sonia Dawe Ryan
Lynda & Ban Younghusband

Supporting Role Act 1
Laura Bruijns
Susan Foran
Noreen Golfman
Lois Hoegg
Brian Grant
Karen Lippold
Marlane Marshall
Frankie O’Neill
Brian Walsh
Steven Wolinetz

Supporting Role Act 2
Francisco Acevedo
Ann Anderson
Margaret Best
John Brosman
Terry Goldie
Sharon King Campbell
Elizabeth Lawrence
Debbie McGee
Brenda & Scott McClellan
John McGrath
Marilyn Porter
Vickey Northey
Peter Shea
Genie & Bruce Sussex

Friend of the Hall
Hazel Hickey
Anne Noseworthy
Carolyn Seeley Mayo
Tobi Stuckless
Lynn Sullivan