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30th Festival of New Dance – Wednesday October 6th
October 6, 2021
Wednesday October 6th, 8pm
Presented by Neighbourhood Dance Works
Here nor There: Andrya Duff (15 min)
This is a memory but I’m not exactly sure whose
Originally created and performed by Andrya Duff for the 2019 St. John’s Short Play Festival
Sound Design -Megan Allison
Alice Falling: Lois Brown with Candice (18 min)
In Lois Brown’s “Alice Falling”, dancer/collaborator Candice Pike takes the elevator up to the nosebleed seats at the Four Seasons Centre–those cheap seats filled by students with the teeniest of budget – to see “Alice in Wonderland”. She faints, then falls into the ballet below. Under the tulle of a tutu, she awakes in the in-betweens of an Alice-fuelled reverie. Pulling on inside-out taco-chip bags for fleeted feet, with her antler-hands Alice leaps and floats like a faun over boggy silver-bagged woodlands.(85)“Alice Falling” is an investigative snapshot of the feminine worlds of fainting, repetitive work, ordinary objects, and small-town ballet teaching – the glamorous world of the extraordinary ordinary.
Who Knit Ya?: Candice Pike with Josh Murphy (15 min)
In 2017, I saw Josh perform an exhilarating burlesque dance to Great Big Sea’s “Rant and Roar” in downtown St. John’s. It stuck with me for days! It was comedic, showy, and sexy, and sat at the intersection of the Newfoundland meaning of the word “queer” (“one who is of or cultivates an unusual humourous character or an odd manner”) with the 2SLGBTQ+ identity description. When we arrived to work in the studio in December 2018 it wasn’t our intention to pick up on this thread. But, as we engaged in exercises that listened to our hearts, faced the cold temperatures, and talked about how hard it is to leave Newfoundland and how hard it is to stay, questions of national and sexual identity re-emerged. We played with those ideas through movement and music which resulted in the five different physical tasks you will see on stage tonight.
Tickets $30
To purchase tickets call the Box Office! 709-753-4531
FND 5 Show Bundle
Get tickets to any 5 shows in the festival for $125
Get tickets to all Friday night shows for $45