The Main Stage Theatre

The Main Stage Theatre at the LSPU Hall is a black box studio theatre with fully functioning sound, lighting, and video systems suitable for intimate theatrical presentations as well as conferences, concerts, dance, film and theatre festivals, recitals, and/or corporate events.

Photo of the Mainstage at the LSPU Hall


  • Seating Capacity: 192 total with floor row.
  • 175 fixed plush stadium seating (includes 12 balcony seats.)
  • 20 free-standing chairs (front floor row)
  • Accessible seating available in front floor row.
  • Seat map

Rental Rates (Updated August 2024)

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and is meant only as a guideline; please refer to your rental agreement for further details about available services and breakdown of costs. Prices & services are subject to change. Renters may be required to pay a deposit to secure their dates.

Not for Profit/Artist:

  • Daily Rental (Monday-Thursday) – $496
  • Daily Rental (Friday-Sunday) – $656
  • Weekly Rental (Monday-Sunday) – $3253
  • Additional Performances – $150 per day
  • 60/40 Box Office Split Agreement available to weekly theatre rentals meeting certain criteria
  • Cox & Palmer Second Space available to rent at $50/day in addition to Main Stage daily/weekly rental.

Services Included in Rental Fees:

• Daily rental: 8 hours of technical set-up/strike (2 technical staff) plus show call;

• Weekly rental: 35 hours of technical set-up/strike (2 technical staff) including show call.

Please note: An RCA Technician must be in the Theatre any time renter is working; renter is responsible for providing TD-approved operators.

• Full access to theatre inventory (lighting/sound/video equipment) and dressing rooms; box office services & front-of-house ushers; bar services.

· Billboard space available on Duckworth Street. Installation & removal is the responsibility of the Renter.

Additional Services Available:

• Board Operation: $110 per performance, per technician. Live sound mixing is subject to additional fees.

• Sound or Lighting Design services are separate contracts outside of RCA, and arrangements must be made in advance of the rental with RCA Technicians to determine costs.

• Additional Technical Staff: $27.50/hour, if determined as necessary by RCA Technical Staff.

• Overtime rates: $40/hour for RCA’s Technical Staff

• Working on Statutory Holidays: As per Newfoundland and Labrador Labour Standards, employees are entitled to receive wages twice their regular rate for the hours worked on the holiday.

  • Box Office/Bar Staff regular rate = $15/Hr (3-hour min)
  • Technicians regular rate = $27.50/Hr (3-hour min)

• Piano Tuning: $125 (optional)

• Archival: $100 

• Livestreaming: $200 (single wide shot), $300 (multicamera shot)

• Gels: $75 (for weekly rentals only – unlimited access to all gel stock)

• Projector Use: $25 per day; $150 for weekly rentals

• Hazer/Fog Machine: $15 (for weekly rentals only, if hazer/fog machine is used)

• Insurance: Commercial General Liability coverage is available during the Renter’s use of the Hall for $25.

Main Stage Box Office Fees:

• RCA takes 1.5% of net box office profit through the box office settlement;

• Renter pays all Debit fees (4.5¢ per transaction) and all Credit Card fees (2.5%);

• Per ticket sold: $4 in fees – LSPU Hall Building Maintenance Fund Fee ($3.25) plus Box Office Handling Fee ($0.75). The $4 fee is mainly borne by the patron and is added to renter’s ticket prices. Live-Streaming Performance surcharges are $2.25 per sold ticket.

· Optional CAPE Fund ticket surcharge: $0.50 per ticket, borne by the patron.

• Complimentary Tickets: $0.40 per ticket fee; the comp fee is borne by the Renter.

· Entandem Fees: The Renter agrees to pay Entandem (formerly, SOCAN) license fees dependent on the type of show/event. RCA will be responsible to remit Entandem fees for Renter’s performances. All fees are subject to HST. The Entandem fee amount will be deducted from Renter’s final box office settlement.

a) For Popular Music live performances, the following fees are applicable:

  • Where admission is charged: $15 + 3% of gross receipts from tickets sales plus HST; minimum fee of $50;
  • Where no admission is charged: $15 + 3% of fees paid to performers plus HST; minimum fee of $50.

b) For dance, variety, fashion shows, conventions, receptions, etc., the following fees are applicable:

  • The Renter must pay a flat fee of $45.02 plus HST per performance based on room capacity of 101-300.

Please note that all renters are required to comply with RCA’s Respectful Workplace Policy, available upon request.

For all rental inquiries please contact our Operations Manager at or call at 709-753-4531 ext 207.