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RAVEN with opening act Geysers by Samuel Tétreault
September 22, 2022
September 22nd 8pm
General: 49.5
This piece for a dancer-balancer explores, beyond acrobatic virtuosity, an introspective approach and a reflection on the very nature of the notion of balance. In an imaginary huis clos at the heart of our individual and collective unconscious, this solo questions our needs for control and stability and our desires for abandonment and freedom.
A dazzling flash, a metallic crash, then darkness and the echo that resounds for a long time, as in a huge deserted hangar. Silence. Then snatches of voices, words, thoughts that swirl around…
Left to himself, an individual regains consciousness in the meanders of his mind. Stunned, he searches for landmarks in this dark space cluttered with forgotten memories, dark and bright thoughts, dreams, lies and truths. His balancing rods are his anchors, portions of himself to which he clings to make his way through the rubble.
Dialoguing with his ego, he lets himself be carried away in dizzying excesses, regains control, stops and gets carried away again. In constant tension between immobility and movement, he gradually clears the shadowy areas from which to free himself and opens up interior spaces where he can let the light in and dance with it.
“RAVEN” explores the meaning of Rabenmütter, a German term, which has been synonymous with bad motherhood for centuries. Consciously using this term for reinterpretation, STILL HUNGRY makes displeasure visible and reveals the uncomfortable dark sides of their own motherhood to encourage people to break with conventions and talk about contradictions.
Climbing out of their comfortable nest they will adventurously go on unconventional flights – with or without regrets, but loud and visible!
STILL HUNGRY is a contemporary circus collective from Berlin. The three mothers Romy, Anke and Lena have united after years of friendship to create a piece far from the classical circus. Their work is fresh, feminist and powerful. The experience for the audience is moving, honest but also very amusing: They use strong images, a versatile language of movement and never forget their humour.
For the creation of RAVEN they work with the performance artist and director Bryony Kimmings, who is known for her emotionally intelligent, provocative and refreshing style.